The below speaks about Krock long term friendship with the Kennedy family and his status as their press agent for the public ( see below article )

I can't speak with certainty about RFK's statement that a military coup was imminent during the Cuban Missle Crisis but I can say with near certainty that the "very high official " in the below Oct 3 1963 article was a Kennedy saying to the public that if he is killed or overthrown , it was the CIA who orchestrated the coup. It's from this article that I feel strongly that RFK was telling the truth during the missle crisis - just 11 months prior .

Also it wasn't just JFK that prevented the Missle crisis as Nikita Krushkev was as important to preventing nuclear war as JFK . It was their secret back channel letters to each other where they formed a certain bond with each seeing some level of humanity in the other and not just a sworn enemy . If both remained in power I think the odds were good the Cold War might have ended in the mid / late 60s with the nuclear treaty signed by both countries shortly right after the missle crisis and JFKs landmark American University speech on Aug 1963 which was really ground breaking thinking for its time . Also remember Krushkuv was overthrown in a 1964 military coup by his hardliners as well . Although he was spared death he was written out of Russian history books and denied a state funeral .

"As Nasaw explains, “For the next quarter century, while working as Washington bureau chief and as columnist, Arthur Krock would serve as Kennedy’s unofficial, clandestine press agent, speechwriter, political adviser, informant, and all-purpose consultant.” Whenever Kennedy had something he needed help saying, Krock helped him say it, often putting the news columns of the Times at his disposal as well."