Caramandi wasn't there. He was apart of a clean up crew after the fact, but I don't even think he was involved with that, because in "Blood & Honor" he mentions being told about how stiff Salvie's body was, because he'd been laying there for the entire day and how difficult it was to move his body, not only because he was heavy but because rigamortis had already begun to set in.

And I'm guessing Salvie simply didn't expect that his best friends, those in his crew would do that to him, most notably Joey Pungitore. Perhaps he felt with Joey Pung there, all would be safe because his best friend since childhood couldn't possibly be the one to set him up. He thought wrong. And when Salvie went to go hug Wayne Grande, he did his typical patting down at the same time, and didn't feel any weapons on Grande, so perhaps he felt especially safe after that, only to turn around and have his lights put out.