Originally Posted By: Blackjack2121
Originally Posted By: SonnyBlackstein
@Sinatra and flaming: Can you post?

I dont get why people like describe pictures they have but wont share them like they are bragging...haha i saw it you didnt!

Might be some stuff here that wasnt seen there and vice versa

I think it should be okay to share pictures between forums if they have not been seen...we all like to share and talk about the mob

Unless of course someone had asked that they not be shared, then thats different.

I don't know how you gathered this information, or who exactly it is you're talking about, but you should stop assuming things... I for one, couldn't post the picture. I tried, but I don't know how to post pics on this forum. I also didn't have any pictures, I simply saw them elsewhere. Perhaps Flamingo kid had the same problem or didn't feel posting pictures he was sent.

Also, on a somewhat related note, all of the Scarfo guys who have come home, except for maybe Narducci, have been and still are kicking up to Stevie Mazzone. None of those guys are willing to risk going back to prison for a body or anything else for that matter, so a war is unlikely. And the Narducci/Baldino stuff is expected to blow over at some point. In the words of Christopher Moltasanti, unless it's defcom six, nothings happenin'.

Last edited by SinatraClub; 01/04/16 10:34 AM.