Chapo should of stayed in the Golden Triangle up in the mountains of that region/Sierra Madre mountains. He could of easily evaded the authorities there since it's so remote, hard to get too and takes time to get there. He was getting too cocky, and made a fatal mistake. He shouldn't of gotten to the city, where he could of easily been spotted and is hard to get away once they were after him. He even was traveling with 12 body guards. What a stupid thing to do. He deserved to be caught for being so stupid. He was caught slipping once when he used a cell phone and the Mex/U.S authorities tracked him but he escaped thanks to having a 2 hour warning in advance from his spotters in the mountains and his ring of security firing at the Mexican Marines helicopters but most of all the safety of the mountains. Now he ventured to the city for some reason and left his safety in the Sierra Madre mountains and got captured.

Last edited by SmearyGoose1768; 01/08/16 10:55 PM.