Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Originally Posted By: Footreads

But Obama said things are all perfect. He would not lie would he?

No way would he lie. After all, he is our Pres. And here is another non-lie...trickle down economy will work. Give tax breaks to the rich and they will hire more people....in Sri Lanka or Viet Nam. Let's face it, Republicanw want to take and Democrats want to give. Are there any Republicrats out there?

You do know that there was no such thing as "trickle down," right? There was "Supply Side economics" if that's what you mean. And when it was applied during the Coolidge, Kennedy/Johnson and Reagan administrations it did work. You probably don't realize that "the rich" pay most of the taxes and when they get to keep more of the money they earn it results in investments (which creates jobs), purchases (which creates jobs), or savings (which creates investments which creates jobs). Or maybe that a lot of outsourcing actually saves companies from going bankrupt because their margins are so slim between taxes, fees and regulations. Have you ever owned a business? Do you know the risks and liabilities in owning a business, and that in a lot of start-ups the owners may end up paying themselves less then their employees? A lot of businesses shut down in the first couple of years for a lot of reasons, which can mean that owners and investors can face losing a lot of money? Let's face it, Republicans want to let more people keep what they earn and Democrats want to take it from their pockets and purses and give it to themselves and their constituents. BTW, I'm an independent.