Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: thebigfella
You feel to realize articles and law enforcement are wrong all the time...i guess you believe guys like sal vitale always telles the truth.and just to play your game, it was "reported"that cammarano and pallazono was fighting over leadership and the nose wanted pallazono to have it and not cammarano, being that he went to jail why wouldnt the nose pick another one of his cronies to run it??? Do you have an answer or are you waiting for someone to write about it, a snitch to talk about it or law enfrcement to give you thier best guesswork?

Law enforcement has a far better track record of being right than the legion of local insiders who flock to these forums to try and make everyone believe they are in a position to know what the mob is doing and are here on the Internet to tell us all about it.

Originally Posted By: domwoods74
Obviously the boss is going to be someone from were the powerbase is at that particular time , there is hardly anyone in the Bronx faction of the bonnanos , the powerful crews are in Long Island , queens and Brooklyn . Why the fuck would they pick a Bronx guy as boss , the most powerful crews would want one of there own as boss . I could understand it if mancuso was universally respected and well liked but he isn't , which makes even more sense that this guy ain't boss

That's not necessarily obvious. That's an assumption you and others have made based on your own deduction of things. And, like the Amuso/Crea thing, your opinions conflict with the official information. And after nearly 10 years on these forums I can tell you that those who conflict with the official info end up being wrong at least 90% of the time.

Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
Exactly. No one is basing anything off what some guy says on the internet, but being from the area, it's clear the Bonanno power structure consists of Long Island & Queens guys (don't know diddily squat about Brooklyn, so I'll leave that to someone else). And that they aren't taking orders from anyone in the Bronx. It's the Daily News, they've been inaccurate on things before, only this time they aren't that inaccurate and are somewhat on the money aside from the Mancuso sentence. Yes he was okay with Cammarano being chosen, because he has no ultimate say in what goes on.

There are many posters who go to the forum gossip and conjecture for their info before anything else. And "being from the area" usually means diddly squat and affords most no special insight.

You can say it's only the Daily News saying Mancuso is the boss, even though their info reportedly comes from law enforcement, but something tells me he could be identified as the boss in an indictment and people here would still refuse to believe it. Heck, like I said above, we already see that with Amuso/Crea.

if my memory is correct its was pizza who said that mancuso had no power that he was a figure head and was seen as a joke he is normally right on these things now i dont think anyone is saying mikey nose has no say in the bonanno famuly but many including myself find it hard to believe of how much power he has. Also if we are talking about law enforcment well in palazzaros parole hearing they said that there was members of the bonanno family camannaro named trying to take control of the family and that mikey nose was trying to use palazzaro as a desperate attempt to stay in charge. I think he has some influence in that family mancuso but running everything i doubt it very much

amuso/crea thing is a ridiculous argument how can a guy doing life in prison run a family yes he is the offical boss but to say he is running day to day things is crazy and steve crea is from the bronx and bronx based so it is not hard to tell the power is in the bronx

some of this is common sense guys ...

thats my opinon on this i dont have the patience to argue over a internet site who is the most powerful in the bonanno family we will see the next big indictment which is coming soon the feds are following these guys everywhere

Last edited by gangstereport; 01/19/16 06:30 PM.

Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion