Originally Posted By: Beanshooter
I see your point Get and, similarly goes to Hillary for her constant lies (Benghazi, emails, her server, Black Lives Matters over All lives matter, Benghazi lies to the family members, her dead broke claim, her Wall street support, getting Chelsea a job, assigning blame to Bill's victims and in all, What difference does it make? She should be booed off the stage and be taken out in handcuffs. Just my opinion Gets.

You are absolutely right,Bean. And Clinton's actions like Track Palin's ARE criminal and she should be arrested like he was.
I take exceptions to the actions/words of politicians of every background . After one of the recent mass shootings, the president made comments about gun control BEFORE the victims had even been buried. I wrote about how it was inappropriate and in poor taste. F1 pointed out to me that Rahm Emmanuel was quoted as saying that "(politicians) should never let a serious crisis go to waste"

I hate what American politics has become....or maybe I was just naive and it's always been this way..but actions/words/policies should be called out. "Side versus side" nonsense keeps people quiet about the BS that somebody on their "side" does and political discussions are generally dead ends because people don't concede points

*The comedian Sinbad is the one who exposed Hillary's "dodging bullets" lie......he aired her out in an interview and the press located the footage.