This is what I remember of that super bowl. Mike Garret for KC was a good little back who could hide behind his big linemen. There coach also invented the play action pass. They still use it today.
The had a defensive back Fred the hammer Williamson. He was a black belt in Karati guy and hurt some players. That is why they called him the hammer. Later became an actor. Still is in movies I think. Late in the game gale Gillingham a rookie guard who played when they took fuzzy thursten out. Thurston was a great trap block. They ran a sweep late in the game and Gillingham knocked Williamson out. They were saying we got the hammer.
Boyd dowler was a packer split end got hurt and they subbed in max McGee he was getting older and lombardie did not like him because he would break curfew. He was the star of the game. Bart Starr was the greatest third down quarterback I have ever seen.