John Alite is a filthy liar. Almost everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. And he never got any 302 in Brazil-- if it was on the street in 2006 it would have wound up on the internet much sooner. He would have testified about it, and he would have said he got it in Brazil in his book.

PS- There's a lot more to that document than meets the eye. If you search old Gang Land articles, Dominick Cicale the Bonanno cooperator actually testified that JG and Vinny Basciano were planning to do "innocence proffers" in advance. That it was part of their strategy to beat their cases. That the Gambinos and Bonannos knew about the proffer before JG even did it and that he had their permission.

Why doesn't Alite mention that?

A lot of things are going to start being addressed.

But-- John Alite is a liar. Please visit if you want to see him exposed.
