Oh, notice crime started to drop in the 90's.
This coincides with a theory that once welfare started paying for abortions(like they do in NY) it would lower crime.
Makes so much sense.
Besides there being much better, less evil ways to lower crime, I don't think lower crime rates justify abortion at all.
Anyone who can watch just these animated videos, narrated by a former abortionist, of the "procedure" and not be sickened, outraged, and against it is frankly worthy of the same judgements abortionists and the women who choose to kill the child within them face.
The godless, secular left has done a masterful job at spinning this issue. It's not a BAD thing that women are killing their unborn children. It's a GOOD thing because they are exercising their "right to choose."
Look at how hard they fight against women being given the most info possible before having an abortion. Like seeing the child within them on an ultrasound or seeing videos like those below. Pro-abortion (that's what pro-choice is) liberals want it all behind closed doors, no facts out in the open. They'reall about pro-choice as long as it's an uninformed choice.
Look at NARAL Pro-Choice America's reaction to that Doritos ad during the Super Bowl. They were offended that it "humanized" the fetus. Are you kidding me?
Bottom line, people who support abortion on demand, which is basically what we have now, are soulless pieces of shit.
How's that for politically incorrect?
1st Trimester
https://youtu.be/5THDmys8z302nd Trimester
https://youtu.be/jgw4X7Dw_3k3rd Trimester