Thanks for the endorsement, Cabrini, but I'm far from the most knowledgeable lol. Guys like Antimafia & Laurentian, who has yet to join this forum deserve that distinction, I think.

And yeah, I'm really looking forward to getting the chance to read those two. Mostly "Gomorrah". I'm most interested, in terms of the Sicilians is what is spoken on lightly in the Excellent Cadavers doc. Which is the two rungs of Cosa Nostra that once existed. Which almost sound like how the 'Ndrangheta operate now, the documentary mentioned how you had the normal Cosa Nostra, which operated in the traditional rackets and violence. But then you had an elite Cosa Nostra, the political Cosa Nostra, whose members were only known to select bosses, which solely focused on building relationships in parliment and corrupting the political and judicial system. These guys were the ones Tommaso Buscetta was supposedly the most reluctant to speak on, really fearing he and Falcone would be killed on short notice if he spoke on them. He eventually did and it let to the exposure of the Lima cousins as Mafiosi.