Originally Posted By: Moe_Tilden
Originally Posted By: Kasparoza
This is all from Alite. Ed Scarpo could care less about fact checking.

Alite tries to make himself a victim-hero and all Gottis his evil, mortal enemies any chance he gets. It's his meal ticket.

Read Alite's testimony in the Carneglia trial about the Gene Gotti thing here. Different story then the one in his book. He's full of it, he never slapped Gene Gotti.


Anyone else getting sick of this guy spamming the forum with this crap?

It's one thing if he contributes anything else to the forum but it's just this constant spew of who is worse between two two-bit scumbags.

I'm very much tired of this guy Kasparoza. Everything he says reeks of bullshit. Not because everything he says is untrue, but because of the way he goes about it. It's like a sick obsession with this guy. Who even cares about John Alite? I don't even think people care about Gotti, Jr. at this point. Those two were best friends. Both rats. Both lowlifes. Period.