Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
Well, they've shut down the NYPD Organized Crime squads, due to budget constraints, so they claim. I think that also stands for NY FBI offices as well, but I'm not too sure. They're undoubtedly gaining a stronger foothold than what they've had in the recent past. And with the investigations on them seemingly slowing down, with the lack of a specific investigation squad, I think that will just slowly continue.

Where there had once been 350 FBI agents, as well as about 100 NYPD detectives, investigating the NY Mafia in the 1980's and 1990's, by 2005 the number was down to approximately 150 agents.

In 2009, it was reported the FBI had downsized the manpower in the local squads investigating the LCN in New York with the Lucchese, Colombo, and Bonanno squads each having under 10 agents, the Gambino squad having 12 agents, and the Genovese squad having 12 agents and some NYPD detectives.

In 2011, with 45 agents investigating the LCN in New York, the FBI had streamlined it's 5 LCN squads in New York to 3: combining the Colombo and Bonanno squads together, the Gambino and Lucchese squads together, and leaving a third squad for the Genovese.

In 2013, it was reported the FBI had further reduced it's manpower investigating the LCN in New York, now only having 2 squads: the C-5 squad investigating the Genovese, Colombo, and Bonannos and the C-16 squad investigating the Gambinos and Luccheses; with a combined total of 25-35 agents.

So you're basically looking at the feds devoting about 10% of the manpower to the mob that they did in the 1980's and 1990's. I'll be the first to say they don't need those past levels to keep the mob in check today but even former FBI and other law enforcement guys have voiced their concerns about the numbers becoming too small. One also thought that, even if you reduce the number, you should still keep the squads separate - one for each family.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.