Originally Posted By: VegasMikey
Most Mexicans don't like black people, black culture, hip hop music, etc. Los Zetas and most cartels are also the scum of the world. True low life bottom feeders. Slaughtering innocent families and kidnapping, extorting and murdering migrant workers and peasants. Killing children to steal and sell their organs. Real gangsta as hell......

Don't be mad because Los Zetas cartel mobsters kicked the U.S gangbanger's ass Los Chachos used as soldiers against Los Zetas. Every crime group or criminal have killed innocent people before, how about the Zoe Pound Gang that tortures family members and children to found out the location/boat of kilos of cocaine? The cartels don't kill or torture children like the Zoe Pound Gang not even Los Zetas do that. The cartels aren't in organ trafficking you douche lol, you're generalizing without knowing the truth. You're just mad because the Mexican mobsters kicked the U.S gangbangers's ass. It hurts you hearing that but it's what happened lol.

Last edited by SmearyGoose1768; 04/05/16 08:43 AM.