On Bonanno trying to kill Gambino, Lucchese, Maggadino, Giancana, and DeSimone, I don't believe he had a hand in Magliocco plot. That Plot was hatched by Joe Magliocco, John Misuraca, and Harry Fontana to eliminate Gambino and Lucchese who were the Gallo brothers backers. Magliocco brought Bill Bonanno along with him in a meeting with Joe Colombo, to show that the Bonanno family was behind him, when in fact Bill was in the dark about it. Bill and Rose had been fighting most of 62' and Rose stayed at the Magliocco estate most of that time, before Bill Bonanno was allowed on the premises to repair their relationship. Joe Magliocco liked Bill Bonanno, but Joe's wife sure didn't. Instead of Colombo following his order from his boss Magliocco, he decides to have a sex sandwich with Gambino and Lucchese and inform them of Magliocco plot, and Bill Bonanno being with Joe at the time of the meeting. The Commission felt that Magliocco was too stupid to think up this plan by himself, and hounded him for a name, and he gave Joe Bonanno as the supporter.
Joe Massino changed the families name once he became boss, this was do to Joe Bonanno's book and interviews. Joe Massino actually flipped, being the first New York boss (according to the FBI) to do so.
Paul Castellano had to take an hour long dump and couldn't eat anything after reading about ten or twenty minutes into the book

he was in disbelief of how much Bonanno painted himself as a saint, and could remember every word by word that was said 50 years ago!