When I see these kids cheering for Sanders I think how can these kids be so stupid. They hear free school, free Medical care, and any other free stuff they want. Evidently, they have not lived long enough to know nothing in life is free.

Why would you want to invent anything it goes to the state. The only people with money in the state are the people that run the state.

There are plenty of kids that don't give a shit about the government and have never voted. Then you had so called smart kids who were brain washed in college not to think for themselves.

All my kids are doing well, but not all of them are free thinkers. I like to see them all, but I don't need to see them. My wife thinks she has to see them.

My daughter the communist who lives in Germany. Is comming here next week. She has a new boy friend he has a daughter. My daughter wants me to meet them. I have no urge to meet them. Good news the boy friend who is Germany can't come here because 4 years ago he had work in Iran. He is an electrician Iran, and Iraq used Germans to help set up their electric power.

So I said to her that's to bad smile So I guess we maybe safer then we thought we were.

only the unloved hate