A fire that burns. An unquenchable thirst. A taste...... for power.
"My dad is the boss, John." "Together we can rule this town."
Two neighborhood toughs. One unbridled desire.
"I see the way you look at Kimberly, Jun'." "Tell me she can make you feel like I do." "GO ON!," "TELL ME."
But they are about to find out... The pull of the streets is no match for the passion raging in their hearts.
"Let's go away, Jun'." I can't, John. My dad. He's old fashioned. If I tell him it will break his heart. "If you don't tell him, I will." "You know I can't quit you, baby Huey, not like this...."
*Storm clouds. Rain batters the pavements. A rat scurries past a dumpster*
But they are about to find out..... Those who kill together, rat together.
"They think you're co-operating Jun'. They've seen the 302's. Let's start somewhere new. Let's go to Brazil like we've talked about!" I AIN'T NO RAT! *tear rolls down Alite's eye* "You're choosing the life over me?" ...... The life chose me, John.
*Clips of Alite torturing an electrician and Junior walking out of courthouses*
This summer. Two men took a blood oath to Cosa Nostra. *Daniel Marino: "It ain't the only blood oath they took..."*
LoveRats. Out June 25