Originally Posted By: Footreads
I have fund homosexuals want to believe everyone is a homosexual.

I remember once some guy approached me and wanted to give me a blow job. I told him I get blow jobs all the time.

I want to shit on your face is that okay smile

Foot, got 2 jokes for you along the lines of your post .....first is an old Chris Rock joke from before he became a star.

"I was walking around Times Square..and a prostitute said 'For 50 dollars, I'll do anything you want me to'...I said 'B*tch, paint my house!'

Guy walks into a bar and sees his old high school buddy with 6 glasses in front of him.
Guy 1"Yo, what's going on, man....long time no see...what are you celebrating?

Guy 2"Drinking Seagram's 7 and 7s.....celebrating my first blowjob"

Guy 1 "Yo.....congrats...HEY bartender, get my buddy here another round on me!!!"

Guy 2 "Thanks but no thanks,been sitting here for 3 hours and still can't get the taste out of my mouth"