Look this is an off color topic but as far as a man relieving himself while being incarcerated there are certain protocols. First off you would never jerkoff with your bunkie in your cell unless you want your teeth knocked out. If you're in a cell, thats some shit you would do while you're bunkie was out of the cell. Same way you would put a sheet up on the bars or a block up on the window of your door (some institutions having sliding doors with a small window) while taking a shit. If there are private showers, and not communty showers, then you may take that time to handle your business that way. In Essex county jail in newark, there are two tiers, two showers to a tier in the pod. There is actually a designated shower that people knew was a shower to do your business in. Can't make this shit up. Don't get it fucked up... It doesn't matter who the fuck you are or what status you hold, a man will need to relieve himself. Now fucking with a guy, that's a big no no. I mean the shit happens and there's definetly times you would be astonished of the people who engage in homosexual activity but it's defjently frowned upon. NetaS accept homosexuals into their "association". They're a gang but they don't call themselves one. They accept them but tell them they can't act on it. I did time in Passaic county one time in the Neta gang unit and this small dope fiend walked in looking dirty as hell. A few days later when "she" wasn't kicking the dope so bad, the motherfucker had his hair pulled up, and was acting like a full blown woman! I kid you not! I almost had a heart attack. and yes, they referred to him as a her. I hope that answered your question and we can end this fucking weirdo thread now.