Originally Posted By: Tonytough
Great point about Montreal, Canada was always a hotspot going back to
Joe Bonanno (when his cousin accused him
of planting flags all over the place) and muscling in on Montreal

Problem is though, Galante needed power from within and with that I mean NYC. It's no good having a small army several hundred miles away/ who will not go to bat for u

Actually not really. The guys he had around him in NY, almost all of them also had connections to Canada. Vito DeFillipo for example was very close to Galante at one point and he had connections in Montreal and Toronto with Paul Volpe. Galante's power post prison was largely the Cotroni organization. He managed to corrupt the likes of Nicky Glasses and some of those other guys through fear of his reputation and ability to basically call on Canada , and the two zips whom he always had with him. But they followed the money, and also had ties to the Sicilians in Canada. When the Cotronis were eliminated, so was Galante not too long after. And it was easy to do because he really had no NY power base. Galantes power was the fact that he was essentially the point man for the heroin in NY. So the other families had to go through him and the Bonannos for access to the heroin racket. For all intents and purposes, you let that guy live until you develop your own access point to those who are bringing the drugs into North America. And after the Cotronis and Violi were eliminated and the Sicilians in Montreal became the dominant traffickers, there wasn't a need for Galante, and you saw what happened. Its exactly how Cabrini said it was.

Last edited by SinatraClub; 06/07/16 07:44 AM.