Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: TommyGambino
Apart from the obvious money makers, i.e gambling, loans, unions, The Gambino's seem to be heavy in the drug trade, prostitution etc I don't think there far behind the Westside right now, due to them rackets. their probably level in terms of power/money making.

Relatively speaking, the Gambinos have always had the most involvement in the sex trade, i.e. prostitution, strip clubs, pornography, etc. And they're certainly one of the families most involved in the drug trade.

The Gambinos are a strong #2 but the Genovese are stronger. The Genovese being #1 comes from 1) controlling the biggest bookmaking and loansharking operations (the mob's #1 moneymaker), and 2) having the most influence over labor unions and legitimate industries remaining.

By the sounds of things they're head and shoulders above the other families in the drug trade.