Originally Posted By: Serpiente
Thought this was common news . There is no doubt that Phil in the beginning when he first starts feeling that Nick was going to possibly make a move on Salvie that he was generally sick but as time went on and everyone was in Phil ear that he did start seeing exactly the way Nick and others were seeing it all money and power.

Hmm from what I read on here, seems that Phil despite what he said in his book (didn't want Salvie dead) in reality wanted Salvie to go. BUT I've not heard anyone really mention that it was Scarfo's motive in wanting him dead- to protect his nephew (future) whereas most say he done it for Scarfo himself

On another note, all this whacking anyone that poses a treat.... I think Nicky crow touched on this when he said Scarfo liked to say "more Indians and less Chiefs" meaning he wanted more soldiers less capos... But in that sense, he might as well whack all the top guys because sooner or later they will rise and rise (had they not gone jail)

Tommy del was given the power then Faffy buried him and Faffy was the main guy according to the Crow. Because Scarfo liked to
stay in Atlantic city so most of day to day Faffy was in charge