The main problem with Ms-13 becoming something bigger than prime distributors, is the fact that they would have to MUSCLE the Mexicans out of the supply side. And they don't really have the leverage for that seeing as Mexico is the country that shares a border with the US. MS-13 strongholds are what, LA, and Honduras? I don't think they grow poppies in Honduras, like in Mexico, so there is no leverage there. All the high grade weed is America and Canada, no leverage there. The Mexicans have ties to China for Meth precursor chemicals, as well as the new fentanyl dope, so I can't really see MS-13 supplanting the Mexicans as far as weed or opiates. And there is no leverage on Coke that I can see.

Maybe, I'll say this, I read recently that when Colombians ship coke out of South America direct to Europe, I believe they use Honduras as the transshipment point, but that's coke going OUT THE COUNTRY.

As far as the cartels forming a " Cosa Nostra", I think it's like Ivey said. The Conditions for such an organization to flourish, no longer exist really...
@ oak
I think you might be oversimplifing it a little. First, drugs is similar to, but NOT the same as alcohol. In fact, the only drug similar to alchohol, POLITICALLY, Is weed, in that it's largely tolerated and accepted by a majority of the population. Also don't forget, you could MAKE LIQUOR YOURSELF, in a tub, lol.. Brew your own beer, ect..
Selling liquor, beyond being profitable, for lack of a better term, made you COOL in a way drugs never will be. Liquor is more like cigarettes I think....
Also, that time period, they would send goons into THE VOTING BOOTHS TO MAKE YOU VOTE THE RIGHT WAY. How do you do that today? With patronage right? The cartels have no leverage to give out patronage, no unions, hell in Illinois, a cartel/ mob state, they sent a Governor to jail for running what an illegal hiring scheme? If he can't do it, I can't see the cartels doing it. If Blago can't buy a senate seat, they probably can't either. A guy like Rubio, he takes cartel money? Political suicide if you ask me.... Any thoughts?

Last edited by CabriniGreen; 06/19/16 07:01 AM.