This is all too real. I've come across some cool CO's while I was incarcerated but the majority are on some real bullshit because they got picked on in high school. I don't want you to get it fucked up and think I don't realize i was in prison and a certain amount of my rights don't exist anymore, but I've seen guards provoke, harass, and brutally beat guys. Then they'll send them to lockup to heal. Once they do, they face a street charge or some other bullshit. Passaic county jail is the worst for this. Lawsuit after lawsuit. I learned from older heads not to feed into any of their shit. You can say all you want to me but as long as you don't touch me or fucked with my family/girl at visit, then you can talk that good shit all you want. Anyone here that is familiar with yardville knows Davino. I saw him setup two guys with shanks in their rooms and tell them they have five minutes tonfind it. After five minutes they were in cuffs on the way to lockup. They have a wild amount of power and they abuse it. Like I said, I've met some good guys. Guys that I know from the street and some that I didn't. Some looked out for me (I would never ask for shit) if they did I would make sure they knew it was appreciated. Ill tell you one thing though, I've heard of multiple cases where guys have caught a CO in the streets and got some get back.