I think the whole Justice system is unfair....

What I'd like to know is how come if you off a cop or somebody with the last name "Kennedy" you will rot in jail till the day you die.

What makes the life of a cop or a politician worth more than yours or mine?

Think of all the inmates that made bail since Sirhan Sirhan was locked up . And you just shoot at a cop (even if you just graze him) forget it pal, they throw the key away.

As far as I'm concerned I can take care of myself. I have no use for cops or pussy ass CO's. Lets talk about that sheriff in Arizona Joe Arpaio. So he one of us (Italian) who gives a shit, the man should be made to spend an hour or so with a very angry Gasspipe (if he were still free).

They don't just pull movies like the "Shawshank Redemption" out of thin air. Read John Jail Journal or some of the other things that somehow find their way beyond the walls.

Whatever happened to "temper justice with mercy".....???
