Originally Posted By: fergie
If you're in prison, you're in there for good reason, generally. The punishment has evolved from extremely harsh 200years ago through to comparatively comfortable. You get to speak to your buddies most of the time, shoot pool etc. fuck that, you go to jail, the CO's should tear a hole in your ass. When you thought about committing the crime you got caught for, you obviously weighed up the pros/cons and thought the time would be a reasonable risk...simply because you know usually you usually get treated ok if you keep your head down. if it where a hellhole most would think twice, especially in societies where we have luxuries everywhere (compared to harsh prisons in underdeveloped countries).

The punishment shouldn't be prison, it should happen IN prison...at whatever scale it may be

And that's precisely why we, at least here in the US, need to go back to a harsher prison system. I'm talking hard labor. I don't believe guards should be abusing prisoners but what prison has become is a joke. Criminals truly need to fear prison and they dont.

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