Without Mentioning names, somebody very , very close to me has done time in the Florida prison system. It wouldn't matter which one because they are constantly moving you around.

Hows this, just one tiny example of the disrespect with which they treat you and your family....

Your Mother (who is a little scared to drive the backwoods of FL alone) hooks up with a few other people who drive 6 hours to visit you. Only to find out that they can't because the place is on "lock down" for some gang shit you had nothing to do with, or your in the hole because you caught your celly stealing from you and had a small fight.

Now they tell your Mother NOTHING all they tell her is she can't see you.. You could be dying from a shank wound but she will never know. So she turns around drives back the six hours to civilization and waits for you to write to her about it.
