Originally Posted By: thedudeabides87
Most police I have encountered (including multiple family members) have a mentality of I am right you are wrong no matter what and have no problem violating your rights of you don't comply (which you may not obligated to). I don't have a problem with all police because I see they are a necessity for order but they enforce laws that are sometimes passed to appease speial interest groups or passed to create revenue for the state.

Again I am not saying all police officers as individuals are bad.

99.9% of the time, if someone isn't doing something they shouldn't be, cops won't even be an issue. And, if anything, people tend to exacerbate the situation by arguing with or getting an attitude with the officer. It's gotten to the point (and we see it on these forums too) where law enforcement and prison guards are looked at as more the bad guys than, well, the actual bad guys. Look how many cases we've seen in just the past few years with some black thug who gets shot and the officer(s) are the ones blamed. Of course, in most of those the officers are later vindicated.

That said, I certainly don't think all cops are perfect or don't do things worthy of being fired or even brought up on charges. For example, one thing that has always pissed me off is how quick some cops are to shoot a dog they perceive as a "threat." In too many of these cases the worst they may have suffered was a bite (big deal) and it's almost like they were looking for something to shoot. But I obviously hold animals to a lower standard than people, who should know how to behave with a police officer. And I don't think many appreciate just how hard of a job that can be.

Last edited by IvyLeague; 06/26/16 08:02 PM.

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