Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

Originally Posted By: mightyhealthy
Ivy advocates cruel and unusual punishment.

I thought you were a stickler for the Constitution, Ivy? Or is that only when it benefits your argument?

I am a stickler for the Constitution. So I would ask you where I have ever advocated for cruel and unusual punishment but I know you couldn't answer the question. And hard labor is not cruel and unusual punishment.

Originally Posted By: TheRedZone
Meh, easy to clamor for harsher prisons when one hasn't ever set a foot in any jail to visit, much less serve time in one, and the point about cruel and unusual punishment that was just brought up is pretty valid imo.

Lastly, support for the DP isn't some conservative core belief.

I assume you're referring to me and, if so, you're talking out of your ass. I worked in the courts for a long time and know people who work in corrections. That you think cruel and unusual punishment applies to anything here shows you're as clueless as mightyhealthy is.

Originally Posted By: VegasMikey
It's what he does. Constantly push his conservative moral agenda. This thread like you said is about guards who abuse inmates. As a person who was verbally and physically abused by NJ prison guards, I come here and share my thoughts, and try to stop ivy from his usual derail. What I get is him responding " the fact that you speak more harshly of the guards tells me all I need to know." Well you dont know me or what I have been through,andeverything you think you know about prison is probably things youve read or saw on TV or movies. Also I hope someone stabs your friend who is a CO. I seriously mean that. Fuck that guy and his life. Have a nice day

Do I push a conservative moral agenda or simply a moral agenda? Not that you have any understanding of morals judging by your post above. In fact, you're a perfect example of what I've been talking about in this thread. You're criminal in nature and so you either sympathize with criminals if not an ex-con yourself. Now, a truly changed and repentant ex-con I have all the sympathy in the world for. But not a bitter ex-con who spends more time blaming the guards than looking in the mirror, or just some schmuck who can't tell the bad guys from the good ones, and wishes some innocent person he doesn't even know to get stabbed. All you've shown is you're a piece of shit.

The reason some of you guys are all butt hurt is because what I'm saying hits close to home and you can't handle it. The truth hurts.
nah I spent whole seasons locked behind wall in yardville, 23/1 and getting jerked for rec. Getting jerked for showers. Guards constantly talking shit. Fuck you and your punk ass friend who signed up for his job now he needs sympathy for dealing with low lifes? He is a low life