How do I put oak as a fan on my ignor list?

I feel like ranting. I sign on to a credit card. Before they put me on they ask me who was my high school friend. I did not have any friends from HS. So I can't answer. So I call the card get a representive. She is useless so I ask her did you go the beach. She tells me there is no beach where she lives. I say where do you live she says Kansas. I said no water there at all. She says just water parks.

I told her I don't like the beach I think I will get attack by a shark. Then I said you ever heard the song More. More then the great love I told her song won an academy award. Tell her to listen to it by Sergio Franki he did it great. Then I told her the movie it came from was one of the worst movies of all time Mondo Cani.

I said in it a kid was killed by a shark. As revenge they caught sharks and stuffed seaurgins down there throats then let it go to die a long painful death. I told if a shark ate me he would die a slow painful death.

only the unloved hate