Originally Posted By: Blackjack2121
Originally Posted By: mikeyballs211
Ok so Georgies a skipper... Anyone have an idea who is in his crew? Id assume his brother Anthony who I believe is made but not positive.. Any insight fellas?

Gotta be a lot of associates

them philly boys got as many admin members as soldiers

@mikey- I've heard, mostly through reporting, that he's got mostly associates under him. Apparently a lot of Union guys predominantly the Salvo brothers (Dave and Mike) who have been around for awhile and were around the Traitz family of Roofers Union notoriety. They were Scarfo's guys at the Roofers Union after McCullough was whacked and they actually got taken down in a RICO in the late 80s as well. The Salvo brothers were also involved supposedly in the Ralph Mazzucca hit with Borgesi being seen using their car. They are apparently still very active to this day and drove Ligambi around in the early 2000s after Georgie and everyone went away. Anyways, besides the Salvo brothers and other non-made Roofers Union associates, I would have to imagine that Georgie's brother Anthony is under him, but as was mentioned previously, not positive if he's made yet or not (I personally believe he was made recently, but it isn't confirmed as far as I know). If anyone else has any insight with regards to who else would be under George now that's he's a crew boss officially would love to hear any input...

Last edited by PHL_Mob; 07/24/16 11:38 PM.