Originally posted by afsaneh77:
Please! Have you ever tried it? It is that good you can compare it with Frank Sinatra!
I've tried it many times. When I was a kid my mom used to buy it regularly, and I'd eat it (not really knowing what it was). I never liked the taste, and certainly not the texture. It reminds me of this joke:

A guy goes into a deli and doesn't know what to order, so he asks the waiter to suggest something.

The waiter replies, "How about a tongue sandwich?"

The guy yells, "Yeccch, thats disgusting, how could you want me to eat something that came out of an animal's mouth? Suggest something else"

The waiter replied, "OK, how about a fried egg sandwich?"

I guess its all relative, but I hate tongue sandwiches.

One thing I DID love (as a kid) was rendered chicken fat on bread. Its heart attack city, but its sooooooo good.
