But he will stick the money with pictures of slave owners (U.S. currency) in his pocket no problem. This is what I argue with my co-worker all the time. He rails on the Confederate Flag as rascist and a symbol of slavery. I hold out a 20 dollar bill and ask if he wants it or has a problem with it. He says hell naw. I give him the 20, then informed him he has a picture of a guy who owned over 100 slaves in his pocket. Then remind him the flag isn't a person, not an official flag of the csa and never owned any slaves. Ask him if he is offended and Ill gladly take the 20 back. He crawfishes keeping the 20 and saying, "That's not the same thing man." My solution. Put the Confederate flag on a 100 dollar bill. Nobody will complain about it then.My other solution....Deport Colin Kap.
I like this post. Disagree but I like it.
Also ,"money don't got no owners....only spenders.
I like that ring you're wearing too."