I'm Sleeping with a BRAND New Man
For years I've been telling my hubby that I think he has sleep apnea. So, FINALLY, he went to see the doctor about one of those breathing machines. Let me tell you, it's like he's a BRAND new guy. He's getting a full night's rest. Before, he was practically choking in his sleep and I'd have to whack his arm to wake him up. He didn't sleep. I didn't sleep. This went on for years.
With that machine, you either wear a small mask over your nose and mouth or you can use the one that goes under your nose. The machine is very small and not loud. At first, it felt like I was sleeping with Darth Vader because I wasn't used to the little bit of white noise the machine made. Only a few times the mask came off from him moving and it sounded like I opened up a car door window. And of course, I had to break his balls a lil about that mask lol. Oh you look so sexy, mask man meow lol.

But overall that machine has made a world of difference!!
So if any of you think you may have sleep apnea go to the doc and get one of those machines.