And now we have a Dunkin Donuts in town!!!

Just opened a couple weeks ago.
Dunkin doughnuts taste a lot like what we would get from the local bakery as a kid. Back then they had only 2 kinds jelly and cream. They were 5 cents a piece so you got 20 in a paper bag for a dollar. Then you can buy 2 loafs of Italian bread for 15 cents a loaf.
By the time I got home with it. There was 10 donuts and one loaf of bread.
5 cents a piece! Boy, you're old

Just kidding. Good story.
I'm actually going to Dunkin D's today. They have a drive thru Yayy. I ordered a carulluh last time for myself, never knew how to properly say that word lol, that's how my parents pronounced it. Cruller is the correct word.
Edit: So, I went in there, ordered my caralluh and the girl didn't know wtf I was saying lol So I pointed at it and she called it a crooler. I don't think she knows wtf she's saying either. How do you pronounce that word?