Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
People can say what they want about Trump but when they then turn around and vote for Hillary - who is absolutely the worse of the two -


That's not true, at all, actually.

Hillary Clinton is not worse than Donald Trump, at anything.

In fact, if Hillary Clinton went into the business world, she would be more successful than Donald Trump. And she would do it without a father's rich friends to bail her out every time she goes belly up, like Donald Trump has.

Hillary Clinton is better than Donald Trump at every single thing on the planet. She's genetically better. She's cut from a better cloth. It's just one of many reasons she's destroying him in this election.

It's like you're the only one on this board who doesn't realize how full of crap you are. Faithful gave you a huge list (by no means exhaustive) of things that are wrong with Hillary and make her unworthy of the presidency. For all that Trump lacks, his history doesn't even come close to hers. But you ignore Hillary's record and don't even acknowledge it because you don't care. It's enough that she's a liberal Democrat like yourself. I mean, how clueless and ignorant does one have to be to actually ask if the Clintons have become corrupted? It's why I generally don't even respond to you anymore. Waste of time.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.