I'll remember your comments the next time you feign patriotism. Foreign leader makes a vulgar comment about YOUR president, and you're fine with that.
I'll also remember this the next time you claim being about law and order. From what I read, people are being rounded up and killed without trials, hearings or anything. That sounds like the Gestapo to me.
I wasn't aware I had to defend the current schmuck in the White House at every turn to be patriotic.
And compare the drug problem in the Philippines and the US. Enough said.
And ivy how can you agree with 18year olds being executed for dealing a small amount of drugs and you know what this whole program has failed the amount of overdoses have not decreased people are still dealing and the big drug traffickers have not been target. Apparently there has been investigation showing the police have started running there own drug operations and anyone who does not work for them they just simply kill the police out there is extremely corrupt half the dealers are the police themselves.
I'm all for executing drug traffickers, big or small. People whine about the scourge of drugs but aren't willing to do what it takes to stop it. You can either wipe the scum off the earth, legalize drugs and only increase the amount of addicts in society, or continue with half measures like we've been for decades.