Side question. Is his lawyer the main lawyer that defends Merlino and co.?
I love learning about criminal lawyers .
His lawyer is Brian McMonagle, one of the best lawyers in PA. He's also Bill Cosby's lawyer lol.
Joey's lawyer is Eddie Jacobs. Another good one.
Nicodemo also had Frank DePasquale on his defense team who aside from being a top lawyer in the city was supposedly identified in the Ligambi trial by one of the rats as a made member. He's John Chang's first cousin and was one of the pallbearers for Mike Chang's funeral. I've always been curious about this guy and what, if he is in fact a made man, he's involved with and what his deal is, etc? I did a little digging a bit ago and found that he does a lot of legal work for other confirmed made guys. It looked like he does a lot of legal stuff for these guys in terms of trusts and protecting money and assets and creating partnerships and that sort of thing. Basically helping them protect and/or hide assets/money and what not amongst other things I'm sure. Bobby Simone did a lot of stuff like that for Scarfo behind the scenes aside from his obvious literal legal defense work. The Feds called Bobby Simone the de-facto Consigliere for the family. Anyways, not sure what, if any, stuff that he's involved with/in but if anyone has any info on him at all I would love to hear it!