Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
Originally Posted By: mightyhealthy
Lol at you psychos getting upset because private organizations pull their business out of North Carolina.

They don't want to be associated with bigotry -- sorry! I thought you clowns loved the "free market"?

Too funny. Always so scared, lol.

Moral causes, like basic human rights of the LGBT community, have learned how to use the free market to get justice.

Their cause is anything but moral and it's not a basic human right to use a bathroom of the opposite sex.

The LGBT community has become what they've always whined about - intolerant bullies who want everything their way and anyone who disagrees with them and doesn't cow tow to their will is a "homophobe" or a "bigot." This bathroom issue is one of the best examples.

To show what a farce this all is, compare an anorexic. If somebody is starving themselves and thinks they're fat, but is just skin and bones, nobody questions if they are mentally ill and need help. But if someone thinks they're the opposite sex, suddenly society isn't supposed to recognize the mental illness on their part but applaud them for their bravery and play along with their delusion. It's all politically-driven bullshit by liberals.

Last edited by IvyLeague; 09/17/16 01:31 PM.

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