Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo
Let me say this. Trump's commentary might be hard to read or listen to, but it's the truth. He didn't rape those women or pull a Cosby. They gave it up. That's reality. Those hypocrites were married and they let Trump grab them right between the legs as if he owned it. Now that said, he broke no laws. Hillary did. What Hillary did was far more egregious.

alfa, you want a sicko who gropes women in the white house, the tape shows his mindset, he thinks he can get away with anything, and he has. up until that tape surfaced............

Good Evening Binnie. I'm not voting. What Deniro said about Trump also applies to Hillary. How could either of them have gotten so far? One has no class, the other broke the law, laundered bribe money and whatnot. Hillary should have her own thread in the Gangsterbb Organized Crime Real Life section.

Edit: Binnie, let me add further comment on the groping. A lot of men are in denial. A lot of men are having trouble understanding that many "women" have a dual personality when it comes to sex and their bodies. They are one way with their husband and the average Joe, another way when social climbing. I don't believe Trump made any unwanted advances toward any women. If you read the transcript of everything he said, on the hot mic, on Howard Stern, basically he is surrounded by tramps. He doesn't need to court anyone. He "just starts kissing" them, and they let him. They are married but when Trump shows up, he doesn't even have to ask for it. He just starts kissing them and the panties drop.

His Howard Stern comments showed that he has been fucking his beauty contestants on his Miss Universe beauty pageant. You know, all those perfect looking prudish married young women with perfect teeth who look so proper. Trump was asked what are the first letters of the alphabet of the countries' contestants he had sex with. He replied, "how many letters of the alphabet are there".

Let's move on.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."