Originally Posted By: Friend_of_Henry
Originally Posted By: mikeyballs211
Originally Posted By: Giacomo_Vacari
Porter was half Italian on his mother's side. FriendofHarry's knows more, I have him made in the early 1980's, right before Genovese took over. Porter was real close to Michael.

Giacomo as always thanks for your insight pal.. so half italian in the
80s gets u straightened out in Shittsbugh eh? And he's advanced to Ub..damn Chucky must have been some kind of earner to garner that position...just anguess but by the early 80s was the Pitt family in decline and their recruiting piol drying up like we've sern in other areas? Just speculation of course.. i know little to nothing about the pitt fam and they did have Mike Genovese firmly in power then until what 10 yrs ago

Chucky was 1/2 Italian on his Mother's side. He in fact was made by Michael. I believe in 1986.
He brought the big time drug business into play for the Pittsburgh LCN.
He was by far their biggest earner at the time. Then he "Ratted" everyone out :-(

Maybe is a bullshit but I read that Porter get 30 y for drug and ratted because want to stay with his nephews but I think was because at near 60 y get 30 y means die in prison.