Id hope you'd all choose Mikeyballs211 as your attorney of choice...assuming any of you kill someone or rob a bank in the state of Maryland then im your guy...if in any other state mob guy or're fucked haha jk

On a serious note, based on my knowledge, limited court experience, and research a guy like Brian McMonigle in Philly is a fantastic mob lawyer. I know from personal knowledge he repped my wifes gpop who was Irish afffiliated w the
philly mob/k&a gang back in the early 90s and he got his sentence knocked down from a possible 10-15 to 4 years....hes a great trial lawyer which in criminal cases is very crucial.. without boring you all to death, most attorneys are good at writing briefs and research,but a seldom few are good in open court defending career criminals with long rap sheets that the court knows are not going straight and somehow argues the facts and alters the juries perception in a way to cast reasonable doubt. Thats a true gift and Brian has it. Hes repped a lot of Mob guys and off the top of my head I believe hes Anthony
nicodemos lawyer... hes representing or has represented guys like
mikey lance, and possibly one of the Narducci's...don't quote me on these names but i know he's repped a bunch of OC clients and is one of the best criminal defense attorneys in Philadelphia....also Charles Peruto Jr. and Eddy Jacobs are obv Philly great criminal defense lawyers (Jacobs is Joey Merlino and Joe Ligambis attorney)

Last edited by mikeyballs211; 11/01/16 12:34 AM.

"No, no, you aint alrite Spyder you got alotta fuckin problems"