Well I just saw 3 movies today and 2 of them SUCKED balls & the other 1 was good. The first movie I saw after work was The Grudge with Sarah Michelle Geller. Let's just say it wasn't worth my time staying up til 3:30 in the morning after work to watch this piece. It was a little scary at first but definitely got annoying after a while and was a TERRIBLE movie!

Today I went and finally saw House of Flying Daggers. A very good movie, but I think Hero was better. This movie wasn't hard for me to follow even with subtitles, but I don't think it was as beautiful on screen as Hero was, but still a good movie.

I just got done watching Alien VS Predator with the same friend who saw House of Flying Daggers with me, and this movie sucked as well! Wow, just watching those 2 movies almosts makes me want to kill myself for seeing so much s*it in just 1 day!

PS-TIS or DC, is The Hamburg Cell on DVD or no?