Found another one...supposedly his first hit...Felix Bocchino
Natale said Bocchino had played a key role in the Stanfa regime, after he was said to have transported the shotgun used to kill mob boss Angelo Bruno in 1980.
Though Stanfa and Bocchino were allies, Bocchino pocketed extortion monies, only sending small amounts to Stanfa, Natale claimed.
Natale contended he called Bocchino to ask him to stop shaking down Merlino's uncle, Michael "Sheiky" Baldino. When Bocchino refused, Natale said Merlino asked permission to kill him.
Natale said that he and Merlino sent word to the then-soldier Michael Ciancaglini to kill Bocchino. After the murder, Ciancaglini and Mazzone visited Natale in prison to report that Bocchino's murder was the first time Mazzone killed anyone, Natale said.