Cute stories on this thread. My parents always talked to all their grandchildren like they were mini adults even when they were babies. None of that goo goo ga ha shit. So, the kids can strike up a conversation with just about anybody and do. Many of the teachers and other helper Moms tell me that they enjoy talking to my kids. My daughter put on a magic trick show for her preschool class when she was four. She also has many jokes and puns she learned from her grandparents. My parents would put on Macaroni (Pasta) Dinners at the church hall every year. I'd help my Dad cook and be in charge of the music. My Mom was the organizer. The Grandkids were in charge of passing out the bread. They were tiny kids given a job and handled it like naturals smile

One time when my daughter was about seven she was having a full on conversation with my brother-in-law about what caused the dinosaurs extinction. He said that if it wasn't for all the chocolate she had all over her mouth and face from eating an ice cream, he would have forgotten he was talking to a kid lol

My son came home a couple months ago with a gift bag. He received a souvenir from a classmates's Grandma who helps out at the school. She visited Italy and brought something back for him because I guess he told her about his Italian heritage. Lol he's about as Italian as Paulie from the Sopranos. He does look Italian though. His Grandpa, uncles, and cousins made quite an impression on him. He is very interested in the culture compared to the other cousins his age.

That was so sweet of that nice lady. Grandparents are wonderful cool Great thread.