
I actually have to correct myself. It was a missile attack on Iraq that came while he was getting the BJ and allegedly to look tough. The aspirin factory was the result of bad intelligence (and probably to look tough once again). I also believe it was the father, George H. W. Bush, who had the wimp tag. When W. first came to office Democrats considered him a partier and a cowboy. Some think that the first Gulf War was related to the first Bush being called weak and a wimp, but there were serious concerns that if he could take over Kuwait, he could take over Saudi Arabia and use their oil wealth to fuel a Muslim-Hitlerish empire like the Turkish sultans from a hundred years earlier.

In my opinion is wasn't that nobody cared because the victims were black or brown, but because they were foreign Muslims. Some of those Iraqi Muslims could have been as white as snow and it wouldn't have made a difference. When the enemy is far away it's easier to forget about them. It's probably made easier by the fact that Saddam Hussein killed over 1 million of his own people, so he didn't care about them either except for propaganda fodder.