It seems like the hype was that in the history of the cold war between the USA and Russia, attempting to tamper with domestic elections is seen as a new low. That's why the 35 ambassadors from Putin's Russia were expelled.
my point was did we really need the report to tell us that when everyone knew about the hacking only person who was denying it was Trump
Also US tamper with domestic nations all the time couple years ago came out you guys were bugging EU politicians like Merkel organizing coups in Egypt l you guys in the US crying about it to me this is hilarious you guys are such hypocrites
expelling 35 ambassadors scary stuff

don't see the point of that at all what did the ambassadors do to deserve that they dident hack the US I don't see what it achieves just makes it harder to communicate with Russia isent that having a negative effect on relations but that's what you guys want though obsessed. I am no Russia fan believe me they are bad but the US is just as if not worse than Russia at least Russia don't pretend to be good people US has to have this image that they are trying to make the world better probably to satisfy you guys keep public opinion Putin doesn't need to be a good person he can do what he wants he just rigs the elections
You make good points, but let's unconfuse two separate issues:
One is the US (or rather the CIA and others) tampering with governments and elections around the world,
The other is the US and Russia interfering or not interfering in each others elections and governments.
Two separate things.
Historically there has always been a tit for tat. Unfortunately Russia sees itself as America's counterbalance, it's equal. It isn't, not even militarily. But they behave as such.
What it seems like is that in the history of the cold war we just never tampered with the electoral process or government of the other side. Now Russia has crossed a line. You can't have diplomatic relations (negotiation) with someone who is trying to undermine your sovereignty. Negotiations only occur between sovereigns. So the diplomats had to go.