On living in New Jersey my daughters boy friend has all these gismos inside the house. To complicated for my brain to handle. Any one buy this shit he has a sauna inside the house a small one.
I sat in it to get away from the wife for a while. I just turned the light on but did not start it.
Then he has this thing. You stand on it and it shakes the crap out of you. He had it on standing on it the fucking house shook. I thought we were having an earth quake.
He told me they have them in the NFL training rooms. Now they run about 10 thousand dollars and that they used to call 25 thousand when they first come out.
I trained soccer players never saw this shit and shake for what?
He actually sells shit like this. I said what age people by this shit. He told me 20s to older then I am. I am in my mid 70s but in my head I am in my twenties. I would never buy any of his shit. He told me the sauna used to sell 6 million dollars a year.
I have toys in my house but none of that shit.
I am pretty sure I stood on the shaking machine I would be dead in an hour using it.