Joined: Dec 2012
Posts: 1,024 Massachusetts
glad to see this thread reached 15 pages in my absence. I took almost a whole year off from training and just a few months ago got back into the gym and hit it full force, and I'm stronger than ever. Today's chest routine...
Majority of my chest routines start off with incline presses whether it be with the barbell or dumbbells, but my upper chest is my main focus when training chest because like most serious lifters I strive for fully developed and striated upper pecs. If not incline, I'll start with heavy flat bench. I always go as heavy as possible on flat bench because it's what my chest responds best to. When I say heavy as possible I mean as heavy as I can go with proper form for atleast 5 cleans reps reaching failure at the top of that last 5th rep. From there I'll go on to an incline press going for a higher rep range of between 10 -sometimes as low as 8- to 12 reps. Maybe even 12-15 if my energy is really soaring which means I have drank enough water and have ate enough food in the hours leading up to my training. The 12-15 rep range is typically the number of reps it takes to induce muscle hypertrophy. If you don't know and would like to know what muscle hypertrophy is let me know and I'll start a discussion on it or I can explain it thoroughly and understandably for you guys right here. To everyone who plans on hitting the weights today or doing anything to further better your physical shape and well being I give you my respect and encourage you to keep at it. Have a great day everybody