Originally Posted By: sbhc
Listen Oak I'm Irish, we were told to look up to the Kennedy family and the Democratic Party.

On further study I found the Kennedy's to be the most vile and corrupt family in the history of the US. They're a bunch of liars,cheats and killers. A dangerous breed.

The Democratic Party seems to be full of these deplorables. They support every degenerate cause going, the one which really boils my blood is transgenderism.

My 21 year cousin was mentally ill, he suffered from what is known as Gender Identity Disorder. He went through this Frankenstein sh1t to his body and then he hanged himself. Instead of encouraging his family to get him help they encouraged us to enable his mental illness.

His blood is on their liberal hands. He went to Hell because of these bastards. I will go to Hell to make sure that they pay for what they did to that boy.

To this day the Democratic Party mentally enslaves blacks to vote for them. Abe Lincoln was Republican. Democratic Party members started the KKK. LBJ takes credit for the Civil Rights Bill but he opposed it for years and only signed off on it, it was formed and written by a Republican. Blacks were wrongfully physically enslaved for decades and now they have been mentally enslaved for about 2 decades. Look on Youtube. Voter ID Laws to see what the Liberal Dems think about black people. they think they don't know where the DMV is and don't have access to WI-FI. That is whats really racist. Black People are smart, they damn well know where the DMV is and most of the have WIFI. They are just as smart as whites. Only problem is that them and guilt ridden whites view them as victims. I view them as equals. I always have.